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Professional Practice

Closing Statement

During my final year of studying Graphic Design, I developed and created work with strong visuals that are high in quality. Exploring different media within the creative field was one of my goals to achieve. This year, I've experimented with the likes of stop motion, traditional sketches and idea generation to add to the list which has aligned with my overall target. 


One of the strongest projects developed was a stop motion short film (New Vision). Developing this idea took a lot of time as it was a final major project for a brief, this allowed me to develop and gain skills with time management which was a weak point I had when developing projects, to now being an additional strong point, as I've realised it's one of the most important things within the design industry. The New Vision Short Film allowed me to add a wide range of creative elements to the final visuals, the themes of colour theory, fashion/pattern design and audio production and more played a major role when developing this project, making me a designer push out a concept that has a different experience to anything I've designed in the past.


Alongside, this Pioneer Magazine has been one of my most successful projects as I've pushed to break the traditional magazine design by creating a whole new concept. Resizing the magazine played a huge role in this idea as I felt it would be more engaging to the target audience, as it still holds the value of being a magazine but with a different experience. Creating my grid design was one of the best creative processes I've done as it allowed me to expand and express the new Idea for the magazine, and push out the traditional layout with a new visual aesthetic. The overall magazine outcome was printed on gloss paper which added a sense of high quality which completed the design. 


I the targets I set myself at the start of the year I feel I've surpassed them as the final designs for each project have outdone my expectations. As an upcoming designer I feel like my creative process has improved as shown within my work adding to my skill set, and pushing new concepts has allowed me to explore different media leading to designs I'm proud of.


As a designer, I'm still unsure of which pathway I will end up going within the creative field, as my creative knowledge has expanded even further through experimenting with different mediums. Becoming a self-employed/freelance designer seems ideal, as I will have the creative freedom to pick which projects I would want to work on, but the employed status in the design industry and building a network with other designers will allow me to expand and develop further as a designer. 


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