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With The
ider World

I haven't had enough experience with producing and developing work for clients outside my university work. This was primarily due to covid stopping the process of networking and developing projects for clients.


One project I've worked on is for a food takeaway brand "SAUCY WINGZ". The client wanted something colourful and professional with the food menu.


The original food menu is presented on the top right image, as the colours were bland simple and had no engagement to it.  I developed the menu based around what the client requested  with illustrations and type.The menu development is shown in three stages in the order of the top right bottom left to the bottom right being the final outcome and development.


This project was fun to work on as It took me away from the tradition work I'm used to and helped me develop further as a designer.  

Screenshot 2022-02-07 at 14.06.25.png
Screenshot 2022-02-07 at 14.06.58.png
Saucy Final Outcome Black.jpg
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